Title: | OMG We're In A Horror Movie |
Year: | 2015 |
Description: | Six friends having a weekly board game night are interrupted by a booming movie trailer voice from the sky. Inexplicably, they find themselves trapped in a Horror Movie. Who amongst them will turn into a homicidal killer? Who will be the sole survivor? |
Genre: | Comedy, Horror |
Rating: | R | TV-MA |
Page Created By: | Leomark Studios |
Directed By: | Ajala Bandele |
Produced By: | Ajala Bandele,Tom Hatfield,Tyler David Gilbert |
Cast: | Brendan McGowan,Shanna Malcolm,Liz Fenning,Jenny Curtis,Chynna Skye,Sharon Mae Wang,Brittany Anne Woodford,Ajala Bandele,Chris Hampton,Nils Jansson,Greg,Leobell |
Title: OMG We're In A Horror Movie |
Year: 2015 |
Description: Six friends having a weekly board game night are interrupted by a booming movie trailer voice from the sky. Inexplicably, they find themselves trapped in a Horror Movie. Who amongst them will turn into a homicidal killer? Who will be the sole survivor? |
Genre: Comedy, Horror |
Rating: R | TV-MA |
Page Created By: Leomark Studios |
Directed By: Ajala Bandele |
Produced By: Ajala Bandele,Tom Hatfield,Tyler David Gilbert |
Cast: Brendan McGowan,Shanna Malcolm,Liz Fenning,Jenny Curtis,Chynna Skye,Sharon Mae Wang,Brittany Anne Woodford,Ajala Bandele,Chris Hampton,Nils Jansson,Greg,Leobell |